What duels are the most popular in Argentina? We have the latest information for you

The main idea of HMB Argentina is to support duel fighters and help them to improve their skills.

Duel categories are subject to development, and the HMB representatives of Argentina are working hard in this direction. Members of HMB Team Argentina demonstrate their improvement in duel fighting each year. They work hard on training in duel categories, participate in workshops and gain experience from every fight at Battle of Nations and national HMB events. 

Andy Di Francesco, the President of HMB Argentina and well known HMB fighter, was among the pioneers of the female Triathlon that took place at the HMB World Championship Battle of the Nations 2014 in Croatia.

As Andy told HMBIA News, HMB athletes give priority to buhurts here, but duels are also important, so HMB Argentina, together with organizers of the local tournaments, try to organize as many duel events as possible. Andy as a fighter has her own favourite duel category:

“The most popular in Argentina is the Sword and Shield duel category. But I prefer Longsword. As for me this category is more dynamic, visual and more artístic, like a dance. And it feels more magical. The feeling when I move is more fluid. Not so rústy as the other ones. But not so soft as olympic fencing”, explained Andy.

Every season of the year, they have a duel tournament. For example, it was planned that there would be a Sword and Shield tournament in March, in June the HMB Argentina would be held the Longsword tournament, the Sword and Buckler event in September, and the competition in three duel categories in December. 

The main idea here is to support duel fighters and help them to improve their skills. According to Sergio Scabone, member of the HMB Argentina board who is in charge of duel ranking in HMB Argentina, for today they have a big number of duelists ranked.

“Right now we have 60 duelist ranked in our system. We are planning to send duel fighters to the Battle of the Nations. We are very excited about it”, said Sergio.

Also Andy noted that such fights attract spectators. It is useful for the development of the whole sport in this country as people are interested in the HMB sport as it is, its history and want to try it by themselves. 

Of course the Covid 19 quarantine made some corrections in plans of Argentinian HMB organization, but HMBIA News are sure that they will make all their plans come true and prepare strong and skillful duelists for the HMB World Championship Battle of the Nations 2021.
Our editorial office can’t wait to meet the Argentinian team in the lists of the most eagerly anticipated and important HMB tournament in the world!  
